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- Story | Waynesway
Top of Page Info Intro Waynesway Unconventional ideological visionary storytelling Stories by Levi's Way My love of words and writing started almost from the time I first began to read. Over the years, I’ve gone from reading others peoples words to writing my own. Please look through my updated Journalist Portfolio to discover more about my work. Contact Info Submit Thanks for submitting! Info
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My Portfolio Welcome to my portfolio. Here you’ll find a selection of my work. Explore my projects to learn more about what I do.
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< Back I got a story to tell Take 1 Once upon a time not to far in the distant future lived 3 guys in a deserted town , From first glimpse it seems like people haven't been around for years , yet here are three young men sitting on a drain looking to the sky like they have been waiting for there lift to come fetch them from work but clearly the driver had other more important customers . I am not use to this I don't think i ever will but we are here surviving to say the least. By the way I'm "john -john black " why black you say cause I'm a black man from Africa , South Africa to be exact aka The Mother land .To the far left that is Caramel and next to him that short guy we call him Mint. We have been stranded here for like 3 years if i can recall correctly ,Everyone mysteriously started disappearing like drops out the sky. First there was a big earthquake followed by strong tornado winds Consistently for two days NON-stop then the sky went dark like the light from earth had disappeared ,darkness for over a week almost thought i was never going to wake up . A few days later the sunrise returns and i (john-black ) wakeup , First thing i do is to shout to hear who else is still alive ,To my surprise i don't hear or see anyone shouting back except for one short white boy with green dreadlocks looking like a bush of mint you put in tea .Then i hear a familiar whistle coming from inside a car wash its my long time friend caramel he is an ''albino with blond curly hair '' he is a real sweet talker and a over talker and the same time so yah airtime for days . BOOM !BOOM! two loud bangs echo the sky then out of nowhere caramel and mint both drop to the floor caramels front teeth are missing and mints front bottom teeth are missing .What happened asked john-black ? to caramel and mint our gold teeth are gone they replied its just tingling . Later that evening we decide to check by the radio towers to see if we could pick up any special frequency from any special channels but nothing not even a letter or an alert message on the television , I look at mint ,mint looks back at me what do we do ? Caramel speaks to himself loudly ' I got a plan " he says . Lets call the police and see if they have answers for us . Wait a minute but isn't the phones not working ? .Mint replies lets find a near by police station and see if they know something . So we start walking to the nearest police station just by the corner of the road we see this beautiful old school BMW Kasi legend we called it , No one insight one two three we in the car thanks to Caramel he was an old time kleva from primary school days but he turned his life around . On the move we go driving the car like we stole it left right round round all funny things we trying with this car as we are about the reach the police station we see these beautiful ladies' walking on the side of the road ,So you know boys being boys we had to stop and offer them a lift to our surprise two masked men jump out from behind the tree bang bang bang all of us shot dead in the head the end !
- Project page 2 | My Site
< Back Open the door Once upon a time not to long ago lived a boy named Paul jew . This story takes place in 2006 in Johannesburg . Paul : Aaa one day i hope i can win the lotto I am tired of being unnoticed and undervalued . Bobby : Man money does not always make you life better . Paul :How do you know Bobby you have never been rich before ? Bobby :I have seen it ruin my families lives but anyway lets talk a walk . Paul : To where i never exercise today so i don't i can walk far . SCENE 2 " THE LIFE CHANGING IDEA " Paul : So bobby where are we heading ? Bobby : Okay so this is what i wanted to tell you ,You see that house over there no one is living there full time . I ran into the owner of the house he is a very cool indian guy . Paul : okay so get to the juicy part . Bobby : So the owner of that house wants to hire us as house sitters and Maintenance guys what you think ? SCENE 3 " THE BEGINING " Paul : Mr Naidoo has been working us like crazy these past few weeks ,We need to know what's going on with our contracts ? Bobby : Stop stressing so much Paul , MR NAIDOO will sort us out tomorrow when he returns . Paul : I hope i can trust you . Bobby ; WHAT you mean by that ? Paul : Don't prove me wrong then . Narrator : The next day , MR NAIDOO returns from his business trip ,well dressed and he had security guards with him aswell . Mr Naidoo : Boys thank you for coming to see me at such short notice .So business has been very fruitful lately and i have been afforded the opportunity to expand my business ventures and i want your'll two to come and be my main uber drivers/driver for me what your'll think ? Paul ; Sounds wonderful but how are our wages going to work ? What time are we going to work from and to ? We don't have our licenses and pdps ? Mr Naidoo ; Okay slow your roll son ,Don't run before you can walk i will sort everything out for your'll ,I just need people i can trust and believe in to allow for our business to expand . Mr Naidoo : So can i trust your'll to surpass my expectations and soon own your'll own cars ? Bobby ; Yes you can MR Naidoo . '' STARTED FROM THE BOTTOM NOW WE HERE " DRAKE Narrator : A few months later business is booming the drivers ( PAUL % BOBBY ) are coming home weekly with Bonuses from Mr Naidoo who has them doing '' Special trips '' To his friends he calls it . Paul: These special trips Mr Naidoo got us doing is really making my future look brighter man ,I've manage to rebuild my family house and put new tiles ,a new big screen tv and dstv , oh how god is great and i have managed to buy myself a decent car aswell I'm on to something . Bobby; Who has secretly begin to become a undercover drug addict ,Has started looking in Mr Naidoos special parcels for his friends . Bobby; To Paul i just received a call from Mr Naidoo he wants us to go to Durban to see a friend for him ,Its going to be a good payday he says . Paul ; To Bobby pick me up later then we shall go . Paul; Bobby WHY YOU LATE ? You said you were going to be here 30 minutes ago ? Bobby ; I had to see Mr Naidoo to sort out everything for the trip . SCENE 4 ''ONE WAY TRIP NO RETURN " Narrator ; Mid-Morning they arrive at Mr Naidoo's friend in Durban . Bobby; Wake up Paul i think we are here . Paul ; Okay why we going in ? Bobby ; Mr Naidoo said he will be waiting for us inside . Mr Naidoo ;Welcome guys to KwaZulu - Natal the home of the Zulu's and Indians , But anyway hope your'll had a relaxing drive . Mr Naidoo : But im not relaxed my guys your'll are stealing from me ! Paul: We would never do that to you sir . Mr Naidoo ; I know you would not steal from me Paul but your Crack addict friend Bobby has . Paul ; WHAT since when did you become this person bobby ? Bobby ; SINCE …(BOOM BOOM two gun shots to the head Bobby's dead ). Mr Naidoo : Shoot first ask questions later i always say lol . So Paul i want you to be my main guy i want you to take control of my uber business for me , i need reliable and trust worthy people like you Paul . help me help you . Paul ;I would love to work for you Mr Naidoo but i cant i don't think ill be normal after what you just done to my friend . Mr Naidoo ; Remember once in there is no leaving alive ,and unfortunately Paul you cant just leave you know to much BYE BYE , BOOM BOOM TWO SHOTS Paul drops to the ground dead .No witness are the best witness mumbles MR Naidoo . The end .